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The Waste-Free Shoreline subproject has the general objective of developing a solution to the problem of floating waste in the waters of Guanabara Bay and, based on this, creating a model for intercepting and disposing of floating waste that can be applied elsewhere. The solution to be developed covers the interception, collection and transport in the water, and recycling of the garbage collected as an integrated solution, which considers the direct involvement of the fishing communities in its development. 

This initiative brings together different academic units from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and researchers from other universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, such as the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), and the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). 

The work in progress consists of 1) participatory assessment of fishing communities for the development of a social technology, 2) experimental chemical recycling plant (pyrolysis) to evaluate the process as a potential source of income in the business model and 3) tools for communication and 4) establishment of a pilot study and monitoring areas in mangrove forests, highly impacted by floating garbage. 

The subproject will last for 12 months and aims to develop barriers and collection units for intercepted floating garbage; in the evaluation of sources of funding for the circularity of the solution (recycling, payment of environmental services, CO2 credits, among others); in the possible organizational arrangements for the inclusion of small-scale fishing communities in the model of work and income generation; and in the integration of artistic expressions in efforts to raise awareness and mitigate the visual impacts arising from the installation of barriers. 


In Progress


Marine and Coastal
