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Project description

Photo: Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve, by Marizilda Cruppe / FUNBIO


The aim of the project is to support the financial sustainability of protected areas in the Amazon, including the PAs backed by ARPA, by consolidating compensation mechanisms and alternative funding sources for four priority states: Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and Amazonas.  The project is conducted in partnership with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and ARPA.

Ongoing efforts to ensure the financial viability of Protected Areas (PAs) pursue five different lines of action: 1) implementation of financial mechanisms for environmental compensation in Pará and Rondônia; 2) raising of funds for the private financial mechanism in Amapá (Amapá Fund); 3) securing the viability of federal environmental compensation; 4) design of a strategy to convert tax credits into conservation funding; and 5) promotion of dialogue networks on conservation funding as a way of fostering exchange, disseminating knowledge and engaging new stakeholders.

Moore Sustainability originated with the project “Commitment to the Amazon—ARPA for Life”, launched at Rio+20. It pools the efforts of FUNBIO, WWF, the Linden Trust for Conservation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Brazilian Ministry for the Environment, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), and other ARPA partners.



Starting year






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