
Institution Responsible: Associação Caatinga

The project aims to expand and improve the management of Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) in the states of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte. With a duration of 12 months, the project will undertake efforts to implement public policies that strengthen voluntary conservation in the Caatinga.

One of the lines of action foresees the prospection of areas interested in the creation of future RPPNs in Rio Grande do Norte, as well as the creation of a new RPPN in the State of Ceará.

There are also activities related to the preparation of Management Plans for two RPPNs, the revision of the Management Plan for the RPPN Serra das Almas and the holding of a training course in the preparation of Management Plans for RPPNs in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

The project will also support the implementation of actions foreseen in the management plans of 5 RPPNs located in the municipality of Crateús (Ceará), with the aim of strengthening the management of these areas and contributing to conservation in the Caatinga.

Actions planned include those aimed at improving public use, monitoring and inspecting the PAs, forming a brigade to fight forest fires, firebreak and fence maintenance, and acquiring camera traps to monitor fauna.


In Progress


