Trama – Pescatur


The subproject Pescatur – Community Based Tourism and Citizenship in the coastal municipalities of Guanabara Bay carried out by Trama Ecológica has the main objective of promoting the strengthening of small-scale fisherfolk, shellfish gatherers and crab gatherers and other traditional and fishing populations (such as quilombos and indigenous people in an urban and rural context) from seven (7) coastal municipalities around the Bay based on the training/qualification course in Community Based Tourism (CBT), in the Distance Education (DE) format. As goals, the project intends to carry out courses in the area of Community Based Tourism (CBT), using technological tools of Distance Education (DE) and face-to-face Eco-experiences, aiming at improving their inclusion in the labor market through the strengthening of sustainable artisanal fishing production chains, ecotourism and solidarity economy (ECOSOL); to promote the tourism capacity present in the seven beneficiary municipalities of the subproject, with specialized technical guidance, maps with ecotourism itineraries territorialized in these municipalities, with a view to valuing and giving greater visibility to the set of existing attractions in the areas of fishing, biodiversity, ecosystems and goods of historical and cultural value; to strengthen networking and the inclusion of course participants and their communities, as well as fishing entities, together with collectives that work in the Solidarity Economy that already exists in the municipalities benefiting from the project, such as: the State and Municipal ECOSOL Forums and the The Nós da Guanabara Network, and together with the public policy councils, Finally, develop workshops aimed at improving administrative and accounting-financial management and network marketing together with the course participants, aiming at the institutional strengthening of the grassroots Small-Scale Fishing organizations in the perspective promoting Solidarity Economy (ECOSOL) and increase the visibility of project activities through the Communication Plan. 


In Progress


Marine and Coastal
