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IAMA – Atafona on the Move


The Atafona on the Move subproject carried out by the Institute of Agroecology and the Environment has the main objective of strengthening the organization of the Arte Peixe Women’s Cooperative, by adapting its infrastructure to expand its social role in the field of tourism and coordination with other social enterprises linked to culture and art production in São João da Barra/RJ, stimulating, training and creating opportunities to promote environmental conservation, sustainable income generation and appreciation of cultural heritage based on local tourism. The actions include the restructuring of a kiosk, kitchen, and common areas of the cooperative, providing training in the areas of cooking/gastronomy, good practices in handling fish, handicrafts and business and entrepreneurship in the tourism chain. It also seeks to mobilize the local community by holding events and building a calendar of activities that strengthen the institutional coordination of the cooperative, aiming to build new business opportunities, improve sales and income generation, use the cooperative’s existing infrastructure, and promote efforts aimed at the basic tourism chain, expanding opportunities for different segments related to fishing and communities surrounding Atafona. 


In Progress


Marine and Coastal
