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Sociobiodiversity value chains: standing forest and quality of life in Kayapó, Yudjá, Tapayuna, and Trumai communities


Managing Institution: Instituto Raoni

The project aims to strengthen the socio-biodiversity value chains of cumaru, pequi, copaiba, breu branco, and handicrafts by organizing the involved stakeholders, including community members, collectors, and artisans, supported by the Instituto Raoni.

The project’s organizational structure is based on the National Plan for the Promotion of Sociobiodiversity Products, which seeks to empower traditional peoples and communities to manage their production means within collective governance systems. Creating governance for this territory is essential due to the interethnic and territorial relationships involved in these value chains and the challenges indigenous peoples and traditional communities face in accessing regional, national, and international markets.

To achieve this, the project aims to strengthen governance through training workshops on community management of local enterprises and market relations, as well as exploring fair trade opportunities for socio-biodiversity products. These training sessions will be complemented by ethnomapping and forest inventories of the species to be commercialized.

Furthermore, to effectively structure the productive chains, the project will be promoted through a team of indigenous communicators. Publications related to the project will be instrumental in increasing the visibility of Instituto Raoni’s efforts, emphasizing the crucial role that standing forests play in sustainable economies and their significance in combating climate change.


In Progress


