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Photo: Marizilda Cruppe


Community-strengthening projects are an important component of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (ARPA). Such projects enable the initiative to help local communities that use and benefit from ARPA PAs to devise strategies to buttress their sustainable use of natural resources.  Up until 2017, ARPA supported 37 projects across five thematic groups: conservation and management of natural resources; formation and capacitation; strengthening of community organization; integrated PA management; and indigenous homelands and agroecological production.


During Phase 1 (2003 to 2009), Arpa supported the following 14 initiatives:


  1. Forest Biodiversity Natural Resource Management, at the Serra do Divisor National Park in Acre;
  2. Planting a Seed and Reaping a Conscience, at the Jaru Biological Reserve  in Rondônia;
  3. Stimulating Income-generation through the Preservation of the Area Surrounding the Cantão State Park in Tocantins;
  4. Live Fish, at the Corumbiara State Park in Rondônia;


  5. Socio-economic Sustainable Development at Communities in the Environs of the Serra do Divisor National Park in Acre;
  6. Sustainable Development at Rolim de Mouro do Guaporé, in the Corumbiara State Park in Rondônia;
  7. Family Smallholder Agriculture in the Environs of the Serra da Cutia National Park in Rondônia;
  8. Eco-sustainable Projects for Communities in and around the Cantão State Park in Tocantins;
  9. Sustainable Alternatives for the Environs of the Cantão State Park in Tocantins;
  10. Experiences of Amerindians and Rubber Tappers in the Land Surrounding the Serra da Cutia National Park in Rondônia—Alternatives for Regional Development;
  11. Indigenous component in and around the Pérola do Marmoré —Serra da Cutia National Park in Rondônia;
  12. Serra do Divisor National Park: I protect it! At the Serra da Cutia National Park in Rondônia;
  13. Awareness Drive with the Communities in the Environs of the Jaú National Park and Aggregate Value for Conservation and Income-generation at the Unini Extractive Reserve, Amazonas;
  14. Support for Social Organization, Training and Production at the Jaru Biological Reserve in Rondônia.


During Phase 2 (2013 to 2016), Arpa supported the following 22 initiatives:


  1. Indigenous Surveillance in Karajá and Javaé Territories in the Areas Surrounding the Cantão State Park in Tocantins;
  2. Joint Protection of Chandless State Park in Acre and the Surrounding Indigenous Homelands;
  3. Introduction of Sustainable Activities in the Indigenous Territories of  Boqueirão, Aningal and Mangueira, in the Environs of the Maracá Ecological Station in Roraima;
  4. Territorial Management of the Gurupi Biological Reserve Mosaic and Indigenous Homelands in Maranhão;
  5. Chelonian Conservation at the Ituxi River Extractive Reserve in Amazonas;
  6. Arapaima Management at the Unini Extractive Reserve in Amazonas;
  7. Chelonian and Alligator Monitoring at the Madeira River Sustainable Development Reserve in Amazonas;
  8. Fisheries Resources Research in Northern Amapá;
  9. Community Strengthening at the Middle Juruá Extractive Reserve in Amazonas;
  10. Community surveillance and Organization at the Lower Juruá Extractive Reserve in Amazonas;
  11. Community Strengthening at the Juma Sustainable Development Reserve in Amazonas;
  12. Training Local Communities to Broaden the Benefits of Visitation to the Viruá National Park in Roraima;
  13. Community Organization at the Riozinho de Liberdade Extractive Reserve in Acre;
  14. Natural Resource Conservation at the Maracanã Extractive Reserve in Pará;
  15. The Native Cocoa Production Chain at the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in Acre;
  16. Productive Infrastructure Improvement at the Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve in Amazonas;
  17. Agro-ecology at the Igapó-Açu SDR in Amazonas;
  18. Development of Sustainable Activities among Riverine and Other Communities t the Juruena National Park in Amazonas;
  19. Young Leaders of the Union River, Amazonas;
  20. Young Leaders at the Negro River SDR, Amazonas;
  21. Leader Formation at the Cazumbá-Iracema Extractive Reserve in Acre;
  22. Exchange of Know-how and Crafts among Amerindians and Extractivists on the Middle Xingu, in Pará.


In Progress


