Indigenous Peoples have central role on new environmental project in Brazil
In an effort to reinforce territorial and environmental protection and value indigenous peoples protagonism, a new conservation project will be launched in Brazil. The initiative, called Ywy Ipuranguete, aims to strengthen management in 15 Indigenous Lands, totaling 6 million hectares distributed across the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, and Pantanal biomes. These territories are inhabited […]
Read newsIbama, ICMBio, FUNBIO e Samarco assinam termo de repasse para conservação da biodiversidade da Bacia do rio Doce
O Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama), o Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), o Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (FUNBIO) e a mineradora Samarco assinaram, na sede do Ibama em Brasília (DF), termo de repasse de R$ 250 milhões, que serão destinados à preservação da fauna terrestre […]
Read newsNew project will allocate USD 5.5 million for Caatinga conservation
The Caatinga, a uniquely Brazilian biome covering 11% of the country and home to 27 million people, faces significant human pressures. It will receive USD 5.5 million for a new project, Conecta Caatinga (Integrated Landscape Management for Biodiversity Conservation in the Caatinga). Announced in Washington by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the project’s donor, the initiative aims […]
Read newsExclusive Flora of the Atlantic Forest in Northeastern Brazil
North of the São Francisco River, the Atlantic Forest takes on a different identity for scientists: the Pernambuco Endemism Center (PEC), spanning from Alagoas to Rio Grande do Norte. This designation emphasizes the abundance of species found solely within these forests north of the São Francisco River (aka Velho Chico). Focusing particularly on the trees, […]
Read newsOn Amazon Day, FUNBIO celebrates the commitment of its projects to the biome
On Amazon Day, FUNBIO reaffirms the commitment of its projects: to take care of the world’s largest rainforest every day of the year. There are currently 11 initiatives which, through sustainable development, the promotion of research focused on the biome, actions to help reduce CO2 emissions, support for indigenous communities and control of illegal deforestation, […]
Read newsThe FUNBIO grants program announces support for 37 new projects in the fourth edition
In line with its mission of channeling strategic resources into biodiversity conservation, since 2018 FUNBIO has been supporting master’s degree and doctoral research. In 2021, the program selected 37 projects from the nearly 400 applications received. Partnered by the Instituto Humanize since day one, and with the Fundação Eurofins onboard this year, the FUNBIO grants […]
Read newsTo reduce wildfires, the COPAÍBAS Program is investing in emergency actions
Known as the most biodiverse savanna in the world, the Cerrado has historically suffered from wildfires, but in recent years these have grown to truly devastating proportions. Between January and August 2021 alone, the biome saw the highest number of thermal hotspots since 2012, according to the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). In order […]
Read newsREM MT makes donations and investments to the tune of R$2.4 million for firefighting actions
Photo: Mayke Toscano/SECOM MT In Brazil, the dry period (April to October) always carries the risk of forest fires and sets the alarm bells ringing at state authorities. According to Instituto Centro Vida (ICV), 2020’s wildfires in the Pantanal, a biome that encompasses the world’s largest floodplain, destroyed 40% of the area contained within […]
Read newsFUNBIO is selected to manage new initiatives to restore the Amazon forest
Photo: Victor Moriyama/FUNBIO Spanning nine states, the Brazilian Amazon is facing problems, illegal deforestation chief amongst them, that challenge the logic of sustainable development. To support the transition toward a carbon-neutral economy in the second-largest state in the federation, in 2019 the Government of Pará created the Eastern Amazon Fund (FAO, in the Portuguese […]
Read newsSupport during the Covid-19 pandemic
In 2020, the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (ARPA), the world’s largest tropical-forest conservation program, plied resources into the purchase of personal protection equipment (PPE), foodstuffs and information fliers, among other essentials, for the benefit of the communities at ARPA-supported PAs affected by the pandemic. Many of these areas are remote, and so have little […]
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