Whistleblower channel

Grievances about safeguards

Contact information: [email protected]

When to use: To report complaints related to FUNBIO’s procedures or the negative impact of projects (safeguards).

Activities reports: 2019 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022 – 2023


Ethics Committee

Contact information: [email protected]

When to use: To report misconduct in accordance with

How to submit your report: Access the website or use the phone hotline, report the case, and save the protocol number for follow-up.

Activities reports: 2018 – 2019

Activities reports Inquiries: 2020 – 2021 – 2022 – 2023

Activities reports Complaints: 2020 –  2021 – 2022 – 2023

Contact information: 0800-721-1432 or access the website here


Appeal in procurement and contracting processes

Contact information: [email protected]

When to use: Participants in procurement and contracting processes who believe that FUNBIO’s procurement and contracting policy was not followed in a specific process.


Compliance with the General Data Protection Law 

Contact information: [email protected]

When to use: FUNBIO declares itself responsible for the handling and protection of personal and sensitive data, for the purposes indicated in its Privacy Policy. FUNBIO provides this channel as a means of contact for any matters related to this Privacy Policy.