
Project description

Photo: José Medeiros/SEMA MT


Launched at Rio+20, in 2012, the Global REDD Early Movers (REM) Program is a results-based payment for environmental services initiative run by the German and British governments. The scheme rewards nations committed to curbing C02 emissions through forest conservation. REM contributes to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), established at Rio 92. So far, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador have been benefitted by the initiative. In Brazil, the state of Acre was the first to receive payment through the Global program.

Toward the end of 2017, the state of Mato Grosso (MT) also received REM benefits for having brought about a 90% reduction in deforestation between 2004 and 2014. REM MT has secured €44 million in funding from the German government (through the German Development Bank—KfW) and from the UK (through the British Energy and Industry Strategy—BEIS). The resources will be disbursed over a four-year period (2015-2019) depending on the deforestation-reduction results obtained. The state will only receive this funding if it continues to keep deforestation levels below the 1,788 km2/year limit. Funbio is financial and operational manager of the initiative.

The funds will be distributed as follows, with 60% going to sub-projects in (1) smallholder agriculture, traditional populations and communities in the Amazon, Cerrado scrubland and Pantanal wetlands; (2) Indigenous peoples, and (3) sustainable production by medium-sized rural producers. The remaining 40% will go toward the institutional strengthening of the State’s governmental bodies and the application and development of Public Policies.


In Progress

Starting year






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